How to lose weight at home in a week? A popular question among men and women. Everyone wants fast results with minimal effort. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Weight loss is a gradual move towards a long-term goal. Unlike "shock" weight loss, slow weight loss does not harm health and maintains the result for a long time.
If you are overweight, then losing weight can reduce your risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and other health problems. In general, normal body weight is one of the important factors that affect health and life expectancy. However, losing weight too fast can be just as harmful as being overweight.
Nutritionists recommend that you lose weight no more than 1 kg per week, so every day you should burn 500-1000 calories more than you consume. At this rate, body and soul have time to adjust to a new diet and training program. The stress on the body will not be so strong, so after weight loss there will be no damage that can lead to even greater weight gain.
Diet and daily routine play a major role in weight loss and exercise is a helpful way to lose calories and keep your muscles in good shape. Below we have gathered for you the most effective and economical exercises for weight loss.
Weight loss exercises at home in 1 week
All exercises are selected taking into account their effectiveness for weight loss. The training program is approximate, so you can change some exercises, make them easier or more difficult.
Easy running
The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to weight loss. On average, 30 minutes of running burns 300 calories. Running is important not so much for burning calories, but for improving metabolism and training the cardiovascular system.
jumping rope
A simple and economical workout to burn calories. If you do 120 jumps per minute, you can burn up to 900 kcal in 1 hour.
Rock Climber Exercise
Emphasize lying down, keep a straight line around the neck, back and hips. Alternatively bring the left knee to the left elbow, the right knee to the right elbow. Gradually increase the pace. Do 2 sets of 25 repetitions.
- Place your palms under your thighs and lie on your back on the mat.
- After that, lift your head, upper back and legs off the ground.
- Lower your left foot, then raise and lower your right foot just as it is about to hit the ground.
Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions with a 20 second rest between sets.
Squats with kettlebell or dumbbells
- Hold the kettlebell in front of your chest, with your legs open at hip width. Make sure your elbows are pointing down or at the floor.
- Sit squatting, pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Make sure your knees do not pass through your toes.
- Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
Do 3-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions with 1 minute rest between sets.

- Lie on your back on the mat with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.
- Put your hands behind your head in a weak castle.
- With the efforts of the press, pull the upper body up to the knees.
- Return to the starting position.
Be sure to inhale when lifting the body and exhale when lowering.
To get started, do 2 sets of 12 reps with 1 minute of rest between sets.
Retraction and extension of the legs
- Sit on the mat, put your hands behind your back.
- Then, lifting your legs off the ground, lean back slightly.
- Bend your legs and at the same time stretch your upper body towards your knees.
- Return to the starting position by straightening your legs and tilting your body back.
Perform 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions with 1 minute rest between sets.
- Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight.
- Sit squatting with your palms in front of your feet (let's call it a "frog" position for clarity)
- Emphasize lying down, throwing both legs back.
- Return to the "frog" position by jumping.
- Jump up, in a jump raise your arms above your head.
- Land gently on the ground in a frog position.
Perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions with 10-20 seconds rest between sets.
A bike ride
A fun activity that will help you burn extra calories. Cycling for an hour at moderate intensity can burn about 300 calories, but only if you pedal hard. For a more effective workout, choose a route with relief.
If the weather is not good for cycling, use a stationary bike or exercise bike. Be sure to put a fan in front of you, otherwise it will be very hot.
A simple and economical exercise for training the muscles of the press and back.
Lie on the mat with emphasis on lying down, resting on your elbows. Keep a straight line between your neck, back and hips. Keep your abs and back tight. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds, and preferably as long as you can. Do 3 sets.

Squats work the quadriceps, buttocks, calves, abs and back.
- Stand up straight, legs shoulder-width apart, arms locked at chest height.
- Bend your knees and push your hips back as if you were sitting in a chair.
- Return to the starting position.
Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions. If the load is light, increase the number of repetitions and sets. You can gain weight.
Recovery from training is the key to any training program. You need to rest physically and mentally. Do not think about training, immerse yourself completely in other activities that interest you.
Simple Weight Loss Tips
Theoretically, you can lose 4-5 pounds in a week, but such short-term and aggressive diets lead to even greater weight gain after the end of the program. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.
Although it is not possible to lose significant weight in a week, we have some tips to help you start losing weight. Just do not forget a balanced diet and regular training, do not believe in all kinds of magic diets and weight loss drugs.

1. Eat less carbs and more protein
Following a low carb diet for a few days can help you lose a few pounds. According to numerous studies, a diet low in carbohydrates is a very effective method of losing weight and improving health.
2. Eat healthy foods and avoid processed foods
Organic foods tend to be filling, which allows you to consume fewer calories without feeling hungry. For example, cabbage salad will fill the stomach and satisfy hunger, but the calorie content in it is very low. Highly processed foods are high in calories.
3. Reduce calorie intake
Reducing the caloric content of the diet is the main and most important factor that affects weight loss. You can not lose weight if you eat more calories than your body uses.
4. Try intense strength training
Strength training supports a healthy metabolism and hormones. In addition to strength training, strenuous exercise burns a lot of calories and helps with weight loss. It can be interval training or CrossFit.
Get active outside the gym
To burn more calories and lose weight, increase your daily physical activity. Walking to the store or at work, climbing stairs instead of the elevator, and even cleaning your house can all help you burn more calories.
6. Try Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting, like any other diet, aims to reduce your daily calorie intake. The method will help those who do not want to count calories. The essence of the method is to eat only at set intervals. For example, 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of normal diet. Ή 20 hours of fasting and 4 hours of food.
7. Eat healthy
When designing a diet, think about what you can add to your regular diet, not what you can refuse. For example, by adding more fiber and protein to your diet, you will feel less hungry and your overall calorie content will be reduced.
8. Avoid sweets
If you like sweet things, you do not have to completely deny yourself this pleasure. Enough to reduce the quantity. Complete rejection of sweets can hit the nervous system hard.
9. Drink plenty of fluids
People often confuse thirst with hunger. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water. Water does not contain calories, making it ideal for weight loss. To taste, you can add lemon or a few mint leaves to the water.
10. Set long-term goals
To stay healthy in the long run, you need to change your lifestyle and not just focus on achieving short-term goals.
11. Get enough sleep
Sleep is very important for weight loss. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day. This will keep you in shape and in a good mood. More sleep, less stress, less spontaneous snacks.
How To Monitor Your Weight Loss Progress
To monitor progress in weight loss, it is not enough to use only scales. There are many other ways to keep track of your body changes and enjoy intermediate success.

Measure your body with a tape measure
Measure the problem areas of the body that you would like to reduce and note the values. Take measurements 1-2 times a month to make sure you are moving in the right direction.
Measure your body fat
Due to the training, you may not lose weight, because the fat mass will be replaced by muscle. The body will change, but the number on the scales will hardly change. Use a body fat meter to track how much fat you are losing.
Take a picture of yourself
It can be difficult to notice changes in your body when you look in the mirror. Take pictures periodically to compare them with previous downloads. This will keep you motivated and help you measure the effectiveness of the program.
Evaluate your physical condition
Weight loss will not be the only goal. The best strategy is to become healthier and healthier. If before you started losing weight you could run 1 km, and now you run easily 3 km, then you are on the right track.
Check body mass index
A definite sign of weight loss is a change in body mass index or BMI (weight to height ratio). Use the electronic calculator to enter your details. As you lose weight, your BMI should also decrease. Normal BMI is between 18, 5 and 24, 9, while 25-29, 9 is overweight and 30 and above is obese.
To achieve your goals, you must be patient and adhere to a long-term strategy. Try to burn more calories than you consume. Get enough sleep, avoid stressful situations, follow an exercise program. This way, you will maintain your health for a long time and improve your quality of life.